Brewing up ideas of two 3in1 effect pedal boxes. I made a prototype version, but the enclosure is limited and shorts from time to time. I bought some proper enclosures for better execution. The idea is that every board has a 2-3 stage dirt, yet there are some many variations. The 3in1 will be wired to easily interchange and switch out the pcb's and down the line can be mixed and matched at one's hearts desire. The first stage is an always on low gain, and when stomped it will go to a tuner.
Dirt : Low Gain => High Gain=> Fuzz
1) MP Sweet Honey=> MIA CrunchBox=>BJFE Candy Apple Fuzz Gold
1) BJFE Sweet Honey=> BearFoot Dyna Red Distortion=>BJFE Pink Purple Fuzz
2) Hermida ZenDrive=>Cochrane Timmy=>
3) Xotic RC => Xotic AC => Xotic BB