A very large database of veroboard pedals builds. So far I have built around 20 pedals from this link.
My next pipe dream project is to make a Fender Tweed 5e3 Deluxe amp. The link below has almost all the information needed to make it. It only lacks a bill of materials
I have used many backing tracks from this link to make home recordings of my bad guitar. Great for one-man practicing. I use an edirol audio capture fed into my dell using Reaper DAW with the backingtrack on one of the recording tracks.
The Secret Life of Pots: http://www.geofex.com/article_folders/potsecrets/potscret.htm
Just starting looking at this website because I want a rev log pot for my Roger Mayer Octavia. I have not found it the necessary until trying this build. The Boost spikes at the very end of the 10k pot turn.
The Reluctant Band Leader: http://www.joshrobins.com/blog/
One of my favorite blogs. Well written and in depth chronicles of the Austin music scene.
Guthrie Govan Sounds: https://www.last.fm/music/Guthrie+Govan/+similar
Got this google hit searching for more music for stimulation. It is quite a list of musicians I hope to explore.
Embedding Audio and Video into Google Blogger:
Got this google hit searching for more music for stimulation. It is quite a list of musicians I hope to explore.
Embedding Audio and Video into Google Blogger:
The linked blog helped me with my own blog to embed audio without using soundcloud,etc. Just save my files on google drive and embed from there directly. Very easy with the link and actual steps below.
- Upload an audio or video file to your Google Drive.
- Once it's uploaded to Google Drive, click the Share button.
- Set sharing to "Public" for the widest audience.
- Copy that public sharing link. (e.g. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Wtebd6y4ISeWZPMHdSellFclU/view?usp=sharing)
- Paste that link into the HTML side of a new Blogger post.
- Copy the "garbage" from the middle of the link (highlighted in green above)
- Paste the "garbage into the green portion of this HTML code:
- Make sure it works by switching back to the Compose side and pressing the play button.
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