from http://www.talkbass.com/, these are some comments from John Kallas.
John, do you have a list of your top OD pedals that you've tried? I occasionally see you mention one as "one of your favorites" on your site's OD page, but I've never seen a list of your top pedals (to date). Do you have one?
as far a fuzzes go, the Yardbox, Univox Superfuzz, Baldwin-Burns Buzzaround, Shin Ei FY-2, various ToneBenders, Mosrite Fuzzrite and the Maestro FZ-1 are the first ones that come to mind for me.
really digging the Fairfield Barbershop, Catalinbread RAH, Cochrane Timmy, Barber LTD Silver, Dam Ezekiel that i built from vero's on this site. i built an OCD V1 yesyerday, and IMO, it's okay but it's quite a bit brighter than i expected it to be. i'd also like to build wampler's black '65 so if you get a chance and can post that one, i'd really appreciate it.
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